What a sweet surprise that turned out to be, and the wife is good, she knows what to ask for and how to satisfy everyone when you three together. Wouldn't mind being in that friend's shoes myself, I would have had my ass up her ass.
Yes there is such a thing
Only eyes of the brunette give away her age - one can feel much experience, and the body is young, even with her standing chest you wouldn't say that she may have such an adult son. It was all the more interesting to watch his seduced mother. The movements, the hints with her body - in this she would give a head start to anyone who was years younger. And even more so in the sex itself, she was a match for anyone else. Smart, hot, hot. In a word - mature.
¶¶ I want to fuck her ¶¶
model? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
This chick is on fire, but the nurse's uniform is weird to say the least! And she's kind of professional for a regular housewife. I'd say a professional was called in to role-play at home.
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Take your bra off I want to fondle your tits.